About Us

Our workers will take into account any professional services are provided to help children/young people develop individual identity in relation to gender, disability, religious, racial, cultural, linguistic background or sexual orientation. Our worker ensures that support/advice is provided for children/young people, who have been or are involved in sexual exploitation, whether as the victim or in abusing others. Our worker will promote that the child/young person is involved with the planning of any such support programs.

Our workforce

At Care Vault, each young person is allocated a link worker/mentor to work with on a one-to-one basis. The Link worker will ensure a holistic approach to leaving care support is achieved and will work comprehensively on all areas required with the young person's after care worker. We will match the young person's needs to a relevant link worker to achieve set goals. The Link worker will be the first point of contact the young person can use for whatever support is needed. We believe the initial assessment, local authority recommendations, and progress observed throughout the Leaving Care transition will determine qualitative as well as quantitative levels of support required. Everyday needs will be catered for as a standard requirement initially, and the number of visits and time will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the age and abilities of the OUR AIM young person (variations may occur as and when needs arise, for example, accompaniment to appointments). The young person's link worker will act as an advocate as well as a mentor to the young person, and some of the link worker's duties will include: Providing advice and support. Drawing up the Pathway Plan and ensuring it addresses any changing needs. Keeping in touch with the young person and the after care worker, coordinating services, and linking in with other agencies.

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